Everything is Deeply Intertwingled
-- and, Hopefully, Becoming Smartly Intertwingled
This blog was formerly known as:
Reisman on User-Centered Media
The original description will continue to apply to much of this:
On developing media platforms that are user-centered – open and adaptable to the user's needs and desires – and that earn profit from the value they create for users ...and as tools for augmenting human intellect and enlightened democracy.The new title (6/13/19) indulges my desire to comment more broadly on the theme that "everything is deeply intertwingled" (as Ted Nelson put it). That has always been a core of my worldview and has been increasingly weaving into my posts -- especially on the problems of how we deal with "truth" in our social media. I say we should move toward making things more smartly intertwingled.

Other seminal influences are Doug Engelbart, who had a vision for Augmenting Human Intellect that synergized with Nelson's, and Murray Turoff, the Father of Computer Conferencing.
Some posts may move beyond my professional expertise, but I see all of my ideas as deeply intertwingled -- and subject to revision. I have always been intrigued by epistemology, the theory of knowledge: what can we know and how do we know it. So from time to time I will broaden the scope to comment on the larger issues that are now creating so much dysfunction in our society.